The game-changer game changer
After every two weeks, there is a new technology that is being launched on planet earth. I love media and Technology though my current is of Degree study is in Food Science and Nutrition.
One of these fine days, I decided to do some window shopping in one of the online malls that I love. I really needed to improve my podcast sound in radio. I settled at one product that impressed me and was within my budget. I placed my order.

After three days, a notification pops up on my gadget informing me about the arrival of the product at their picking station. You can imagine the smile on my face.

I received the product, well packed and branded with their name, my name clearly appearing on the sticker.

The Pain
When I did some test run, I found out that the product had some faulty, it wasn't picking up the sound well. I decided to contact the seller through app rating downcast. Actually, I gave a four-star rating.

Protecting their reputation
After two days I received a feedback message, ' Hello Simiyu, we trust you are well. We've just noted you gave us a four-star rating instead of five-star rating, what could be the problem.?' I went complaints explained my complaints.
"We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused, please repack the package again and clearly indicate your name and tracking number, return it to the picking station then we shall send you another product our own cost"
Thatlatereally amazing, I later learned that the company was protecting its reputation

The soul creator 
God is the sole creator, His blueprint wasn't for humanity to suffer, but our choices are the one that lands us to our destination. 
Maybe at this point downcast feeling low downcast, but remember, God cannot allow His reputation to be tunnels down. 
The Bibles tell us in Romans 8:28 that all things are working out for good to those who love God and are called by His name. God is ready to fix our problems so that His reputation to none believers can be made known. He says in Peter 2:12 
Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honourable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation. This means as we wait on God to fix our problems, we should also work on our reputation here on earth so that we don't tarnish the name of God down. Jesus instructed us to be the light of this world, to be the salt of this world. The reason why He used the salt is that we can bring taste to the world. The world full of sorrow and pain, we can bring hope for the future. So today, be encouraged, God is fixing your issues out. Let your eyes be fixed on him until your turn to celebrate comes.
Stay blessed



Unknown said…
True Sir our reputation should be honorable, so that we may Glorify God. Amen
Simiyu Nalianya said…
That's very true.
Unknown said…
Wow!! This really is an amazing piece, thanks for the reminder that we should keep our reputation and sprinkle the salt for a better taste, such that when other people gets the taste of it they will want to leave no more and will want more and more of it.

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